Version 1.0

Original lyrics are copyright © 2014-6 by Jerry James. All other lyrics are covered by their original copyrights. I have attempted to identify the copyright holders and the effective dates of the copyrights, as noted below. If my information is incorrect, please let me know and I will fix the attributions.

I do not grant permission to redistribute the contents of this page. When people start passing this kind of thing around via email, some schmuck invariably decides to “improve” the content. (That’s what happened to Gene Ziegler’s poem, “A Grandchild’s Guide to Using Grandpa’s Computer”.) Also, I’m a software developer. That means that anything I write is liable to be updated to a later version some day. So if you want to share any of this content, just pass around the URL, not the actual content. That way everybody gets to see the latest version, and I don’t have to track down somebody who ruined my work in the name of improving it.

You can send me suggestions for improvements and additions if you like, but if your suggestion consists of more than a few words, I won’t be able to use it. Otherwise, we’d wind up with multiple copyright holders, and I just don’t want to deal with that. Sorry.


  1. We Could Not Help But Sing
  2. The Innkeeper's Daughter

We Could Not Help But Sing

(Live performance by the Toole High School combined orchestra and choir.)

The time had come; the star shone forth from far up in the sky.
We gathered to announce the birth of He who would be King.
The glory of our God Himself, come down from up on high,
Was more than we could hold inside; we could not help but sing.

Oh sing, ye earth!  Oh sing, ye hills!
The Lord of Lords is here!
Sing ye hosts of men below!
Salvation draweth near!

The shepherds in their pasture were the lowliest of men.
Their worldly goods amounted to not much of anything.
We gave to them the wondrous news of He who saves from sin.
Their joy o'ercame their reticence; they could not help but sing.

Oh sing, ye flocks!  Oh sing, ye sheep!
The Lord of Lords is here!
Sing ye creatures of the earth!
Salvation draweth near!

The learned men of Eastern lands knew that the time was near.
They ventured forth from lands afar, with gifts in hand to bring.
We showed to them the star that shines up in the heavens clear.
Their thankful cries did fill the air; they could not help but sing.

Oh sing, ye countries of the earth!
The Lord of Lords is here!
Sing ye isles of the sea!
Salvation draweth near!

Can you listen to our song and not be filled with gladness?
Can you hear us and not send your own voice forth to ring?
Do not hold your fears inside you; cast off all your sadness.
Let the feelings of your heart come forth; you cannot help but sing.

Oh sing, ye children of our God!
The Lord of Lords is here!
Sing ye saved ones of the earth!
Salvation draweth near!

The Innkeeper's Daughter

Please don't judge my father harshly.
He always did his very best,
To welcome all the weary travelers,
And give them comfort, food, and rest.

But we had far too many people,
Here to fulfill Caesar's decree,
That all his people should be counted.
By noon not one bed remained free.

There is no room in the inn for you tonight.
We wish that we still had a place.
Wait in the stables 'til you see the morning light,
And gaze with awe upon the Savior's face.

That night arrived two tired travelers,
The woman clearly great with child.
My father offered them the stables,
In hopes the nighttime would be mild.

Please understand that on the inside,
There were no beds where they could lay.
And so the woman bore her child,
Amidst the animals and hay.

There is no room in the inn for you tonight.
We wish that we still had a place.
Wait in the stables 'til you see the morning light,
And gaze with awe upon the Savior's face.

If we could do that night all over,
Who would we cast out to make space?
Should we evict the aged widow,
Or take away the young man’s place?

I think the Savior would not want that.
He'd tell us that we did all right.
We welcomed in the lonely strangers,
And shared our love with all we could that night.

We still have room in our hearts for you tonight.
Come in and sit down in your place.
We'll wait with you 'til we see the morning light,
And gaze with awe upon the Savior's face,
And gaze with awe upon the Savior's face.