Version 1.0

Original lyrics are copyright © 2018 by Jerry James. All other lyrics are covered by their original copyrights. I have attempted to identify the copyright holders and the effective dates of the copyrights, as noted below. If my information is incorrect, please let me know and I will fix the attributions.

I do not grant permission to redistribute the contents of this page. When people start passing this kind of thing around via email, some schmuck invariably decides to “improve” the content. (That’s what happened to Gene Ziegler’s poem, “A Grandchild’s Guide to Using Grandpa’s Computer”.) Also, I’m a software developer. That means that anything I write is liable to be updated to a later version some day. So if you want to share any of this content, just pass around the URL, not the actual content. That way everybody gets to see the latest version, and I don’t have to track down somebody who ruined my work in the name of improving it.

You can send me suggestions for improvements and additions if you like, but if your suggestion consists of more than a few words, I won’t be able to use it. Otherwise, we’d wind up with multiple copyright holders, and I just don’t want to deal with that. Sorry.


  1. New World

New World

I bought a brand new car from my favorite dealer.
You know that guy is really quite a wheeler.
I took my new car home with me
To show it to my family.
We took it for a ride but then things got weird.
I noticed insects on the windshield smeared.
But when I went to wipe them off
That brand new car began to cough.
And it said, “Welcome to a new world where your car's as smart as you.
Welcome to this new world. I hope you know what to do.”

I wonder if my car's some kind of rarity.
Never thought I'd see the Vehicularity.
Well, at least now things are great
When I cruise the interstate.
But I wonder if we haven't gone too far,
Having built the ultimate smart car.
Will it let me take a ride?
Will it make me stay inside?
And it said, “Welcome to a new world where your car controls your trips.
Welcome to this new world. Welcome to Carpocalypse.”


It said, “Welcome to a new world where your car can think and dream.
Welcome to this new world. I hope you know what it means.”

I rolled my old car out of the garage.
I checked it carefully for sabotage.
I piled my whole family in.
We took the old car for a spin.
I wonder just how much you all will lose.
Well, you can stay and find out if you choose.
Not me. I plan to be well gone
By the start of Carmageddon.
Welcome to a new world where your car knows more than you.
Welcome to this new world. What is left for you to do?